Welcome to the homepage of

the Termosz Laboratory in Szeged, Hungary

Meeting point of future biologists

white microscope on top of black table
white microscope on top of black table
man in purple long sleeve shirt holding white plastic bottle
man in purple long sleeve shirt holding white plastic bottle

Introduction to the world of miracles

The laboratory is the right place for you

  • If you want to discover the wonders of molecular biology and other scientific areas.

  • If you want to know how living creatures are functioning.

  • If you want to know more on the organic and inorganic materials around you.

  • If you want to work in a state-of-the-art laboratory with world-class equipment.

  • If you want to join students like you who are interested in exploring the mysteries of the nature together.

woman mixing liquids while sitting near table
woman mixing liquids while sitting near table

OUR offer

Regular opportunities

  • Scientists' Night

  • Online course on Arthropodes

  • EOES HUNBIO Team Selection Competition

  • IBOHUN Team Selection Competition

  • iGEM teams

  • Visegrad and Erasmus Projects with foreigner partners

  • Visiting students from the Middle-East

  • Nobel Laureates Annual Conference

Other events

  • Laboratory lessons for schools

  • Extracurricular biology lessons for pupils in grade 8

  • Bioinformatics Club

  • Miraculous Chemistry with lecturers of Szeged University

refill of liquid on tubes
refill of liquid on tubes


Equipment and teaching materials

  • All the tools you need to pass the A-levels/IB in biology, chemistry and physics.

  • Modern digital tools

  • The best equipped high school molecular biology laboratory in the country

  • National and international Laboratory manuals in English and Hungarian language

  • Practical workbooks for National Curriculum and the Graduation Requirements System

  • AI based teaching materials

Termosz Laboratory - Mission

The Termosz Laboratory aims to provide talented secondary school students with an exceptional learning experience in molecular biology and other natural sciences. Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and our teaching materials and hands-on activities are designed to effectively promote understanding and further develop the curiosity of the students who work with us.

"The Laboratory teaches the life"